one of the dvd series which Katy and I enjoyed watching was Dr Quinn. It is about a woman doctor taking up a post in 19th century USA in a small western town. In one of the episodes a Jewish family arrive in town and ask to be allowed to settle. The town council gather to consider this.

One man objects and states that the Jews killed Jesus. Dr Quinn interjects and challenges him: ‘The Romans crucified Jesus!’

Certainly the Romans scourged Jesus, humiliated Him and then drove the nails into His hands and feet. Only Pilate had authority to sentence anyone to crucifixion, so he takes some blame. The Sanhedrin had arrested Jesus and handed Him over, so they bear some of the responsibility.

The real answer to the question is closer to home: WE are responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion. It was our sins which made it necessary.

Yet there is one who takes even more responsibility. It was Father who devised the plan. That is why Peter says in today’s reading that this was the plan of God. Revelation 13:8 even says that Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. It was always going to be necessary.

As soon as sin entered the world God proclaimed that a descendant of Eve would destroy Satan. He then narrowed this down to a descendant of Abraham and Sarah. Then to Judah. Then to David. To Zerubbabel. Finally to Mary and Joseph.


Why is Jesus unique?


Harder - 1 Kings 18: 33-35